property malaysia

ake money in real estate, short sales   Author RSS Feed One of the cardinal rules of property malaysiaPower Negotiating is that you should ask the other side for more than you expect to get. Henry Kissinger went so far as to say, “Effectiveness at the conference table depends upon overstating one’s demands.”  Think of some reasons why you should property malaysiado this: Why should you ask the store for a bigger discount than you think you have a chance of getting? Why should you ask your boss for an executive suite although you think you’ll be lucky to get a private office?  If you’re applying for a job, property malaysiawhy should you ask for more money and benefits than you think they’ll property malaysiagive you? If you’re dissatisfied with a meal in a restaurant, why should you ask the captain to cancelese are some of the must knows of small business funding. property malaysiaRest of the facts will be appearing in my next article ‘Rest of small business funding know-how’.   Some of you must have known all or some of the facts in these articles. They can benefit from my other articles: ‘Tips to apply successfully for property malaysiafunding’; ‘Valuation processes’. Author’s Resource BoxAntony eldwin is CPA and runs a firm specializing in counseling for business finance. He is also attached to several financial institutions as consultant. He is a well respected professional in Small Business Funding. His articles in various forums have been well received. For property malaysiamore information please visit: All Inclusive Jamaica Vacations 5 Things To Before Leaving For Your Trip   Author :Richard Teesdale Submitted : 2009-11-22 22:50:56    Word Count : 745    Popularity:   52 Tags:   Jamaica vacations, all-inclusive resorts, all-inclusive Jamaica, all-inclusive resorts in Jamaica, a   Author RSS Feed So a few months back you booked your stay at an all inclusive Jamaica resort. You have been excitingly awaiting your trip property malaysiaand now that time has arrived. Whether you are scheduled to leave in one property malaysiaday or one week, there are some important things you want to do be the entire bill, even though you think they will take off only the charge for the offending item?   If you’re a salesperson: Why, if you are convinced that the buyer wants to spread the business around, should you still ask for it all? Why should you ask for full list price even if you know it’s higher than the buyer is paying now?  Why should you ask the other person to invest in the top of the line even when you’re convinced they’re so budget conscious that they’ll never spend that much? Why should you assume that they’d want to buy your extended service warranty even though you know they’ve never done that in the past?  If you thought about this, you probably came up with a few good reasons to ask for more than you expect to get. The obvious answer is that it gives you some negotiating room. If you’re selling, you can always come down, but you can never go up on price. If you’re buying, you can always go up, but you can never come down. What you should be asking for is your MPP-your maximum plausible position. This is the most that you can ask for and still have the other side see some plausibility in your position.   The less you know about the other side, the higher your initial position should be, for two reasons:  1. You may be off in your assumptions. If you don’t know the other person or his needs well, he may be willing to pay more than you think. If he’s selling, he may be willing to take far less than you think.   2. If this is a new relationship, you will appear much more cooperative if you’re able to make larger concessions. The better you know the other person and his needs, the more you can modify your position. Conversely, if the other side doesn’t know you, their initial demands may be more outrageous.  If you’re asking for far more than your maximum plausible position, imply some flexibility. If your initial position seems outrageous to the other person and your attitude is take it or leave it, you may not even get the negotiations started. The other person’s response may simply be, “Then we don’t have anything to talk about.” You can get away with an outrageous opening position if you imply some flexibility.  If you’re buying real estate directly from the seller, you might say, I realize that you’re asking $200,000 for the property and based on everything you know that may seem like a fair price to you. So perhaps you know something that I don’t know, but based on all the research that I’ve done, it seems to me that we should be talking something closer to $160,000.  At that the seller may be thinking, “That’s ridiculous. I’ll never sell it for that, but he does seem to be sincere, so what do I have to lose if I spend some time negotiating with him, just to see how high I can get him to go?”  If you’re a salesperson you might say to the buyer, “We may be able to modify this position once we know your needs more precisely, but based on what we know so far about the quantities you’d be ordering, the quality of the packaging and not needing just-in-time inventory, our best price would be in the region of $2.25 per widget.” At that the other person will probably be thinking, “That’s outrageous, but there does seem to be some flexibility there, so I think I’ll invest some time negotiating with her and see how low I can get her to go.”   Unless you’re already an experienced negotiator, here’s the problem you will have with this. Your real MPP is probably much higher than you think it is. We all fear being ridiculed by the other. So, we’re all relu