part time job

so make sure to cover all the basics and leave a secure home before leaving it part time job unattended.Here are 16 Ways to Secure Your Home:1- Secure important papers and valuables. Use a personal safe or lock box, or invest in renting a security box from a local company to safeguard any essential valuables that cannot be replaced.2- Check going on vacation is bragging to the wrong people ousesitter) so part time job that they can double-check your property or be available in case of an emergency.12- Document your valuables.The easiest way to do this is by part time job photographing or taking video of each room, with a quick shot of any specific high-value items. Store the information somewhere else (security box at the bank, family members house, etc). In the event of loss, this will help you file an insurance claim and make sure you didn’t forget anything.13- Mark your valuables with an Operation Identification number. Your local police department probably has a part time job pamphlet on this process. You can engrave or etch your drivers license number on to valuables, if stolen and later recovered, police can track you down through the department of motor vehicles.14- Start a community watch and look out for your neighbors. Everyone goes on vacation, and this is an easy opportunity to establish a good-faith relationship with your community and enhance your overall safety.15- Turn off all appliances (and even unplug them). Your can minimize the risk of an electrical fire by unplugging any unnecessary appliances.16- Forward your home phone number to your cell phone (or a family member) to answer calls while you are away.Finally: create a departure checklist for each family member traveling. Include items on this list, but also include important conversations with children and teenagers to make sure that they are not advertising your absence with the wrong people. Author’s Resource BoxJenny DeRaspe-Bolles is Marketing/PR Specialist at MailBoss – a division of Epoch Design. MailBoss is committed to the design, manufacturing and distribution of a security mailbox of superior quality and value. The Mail Boss locking security mailbox product line secures sensitive mail, helping consumers protect themselves from the epidemic of mail theft and identity theft.20 Tips To Live A More Frugal Lifestyle In Today’s Difficult Economy Author : Candy Osborne Submitted : 2008-03-28 00:00:00Word Count : 764Popularity: 34 Tags: Buy electronics, online marketplace, online auction, online shopping, online trading, sell electronics, Author RSS Feed Living in the United States today is not without its challenges, financially speaking. In andated March 9, 2008 Reuters reported that the average price for gas is $3.20 per gallon and it is intended to rise over the next month. Equally disturbing, the U.S. Department of Labor reported 63,000 jobs were cut in February 2008 alone. Words like “recession”, “deficit”, “stimulus package” and even “economic crisis” have people wondering what the economical condition of this country will be like weeks, months and years down the road.What can we do as consumers during these troubled economic times? Essentially, we have to do more with less. On other words, we have to be frugal and smarter with our spending. part time job Living a frugal life is somewhat subjective because people are very set in their lifestyles. So, frugal to one person making $70,000 could be quite different than someone making minimum wage. However, the overall mindset is the same. We need to examine our lifestyles and make meaningful changes which start with determining monthly expenses and setting a budget to adhere to. After determining your budget, check out these suggestions to help get you started living a more frugal part time job lifestyle:1.) Buy used items instead of new ones. Use a site like which offers free listings to do just this. 2.) Borrow a book from the library instead of buying a new one.3.) Swap videos with friends for movie nights. 4.) Accept hand-me-downs and likewise, pass them you will be teaching them a valuable lesson too. Author’s Resource BoxCandy Osborne is a marketing consultant for part time job Internet-based companies and a former journalist. One of her clients, is perfect for people trying to be more frugal since users can buy, sell, trade, lease or donate goods and services for free.28 Reasons To Leave The Gym Author : simon dainton Submitted : 2008-03-30 part time job 00:00:00Word Count : 863Popularity: 35 Tags: boot camp, fitness camp, fat loss, group exercise, fit camp Author RSS Feed Summers on the way and the last thing youll want to do, once it arrives, is sit in a gym trying to get fit. Why not take your fitness goals outdoors and enrol in an exercise Boot Camp instead? Boot Camps are starting to pop up, up and down the country, offering members the chance to part time job exercise outdoors with other people, make new friends, get fitter faster and have fun along the way. Boot Camp is set to be the biggest thing to hit exercise in 2008! Each Camp takes place outdoors and generally offers 4 weeks of intensive exercise, designed to bring you together with other like-minded people and make exercise more fun and rewarding. By working in pairs and teams you start to feel like youre not in the fight to stay fit alone! There are plenty of others in exactly the same position