Chinese blue and white porcelain chinese writing class has always been a favorite with collectors, but we need to go to the long history of China to find the beginning of blue and white’s popularity. It was as early as the 9th century when the first or, prototype blue and white was fired during the Tang dynasty. But we need to fast forward to the early 14th century when the production of fine translucent blue and white porcelain began at the Imperial kilns at Jingdezhen. Jingdezhen was sometimes known as the porcelain capital of China, although at this time and for the following 300 years, it in fact was the porcelain capital of the world, as it was not until the chinese writing classearly 18th century that porcelain began to be experimentally made in Saxony.It was Persia which originally supplied the Persian blue to the Chinese porcelain makers; it was, of course, cobalt oxide which put the blue in blue and white! Cobalt was one of the valuable commodities traded along the famous Silk Road and was of such importance to the Chinese that it was traded for bolts of pure silk. The great European chinese writing classlove affair with Chinese blue and white was started by the Portuguese in the 16th century. It was eventually taken over by the Dutch who were the great shippers of Chinese ceramics to the West. The love affair still retains its passion with blue and white still as popular as ever. Interior lighting is a most important element in decoration and can influence the mood of a room in a variety of ways, by example, soft romantic lighting.Table lamps offer that something extra providing a refined and finished look to an interior. Blue and white with its bright, cobalt blue and bright white always keeps its fresh, clean look. A blue and white room chinese writing classis a sight to behold and how better lit than with blue and white lamps.The Antique and Vintage Table Lamp Co currently have a choice range of antique, Chinese, blue and white table lamps as single lamps or pairs.Author’s Resource BoxOnline writing includes articles, blog posts, eBooks, short reports, and any other writing that is written and read exclusively on the internet. Writing articles is the foundation for all of this writing, and it is imperative that you get started with article writing as soon as possible. There are many reasons for this, and here are just a few.Writing a three hundred word article every day will get you into the habit of writing. chinese writing classI had not written for more than twenty years when I first started writing articles a year and a half ago. During the first 30 days or so it was difficult to make myself write. At some point it just became part of my daily schedule, and I have been writing ever since. I currently have about 775 articles published on the internet, and you can do the same thing if you write every day.You can repurpose your articles into other types of online writing. I have written blog posts based on my articles, including more information in certain areas and eliminating some of the content in others. I have also combined several articles into short reports that I have sold and given away, as well as used my articles as the basis for two eBooks. chinese writing classBecause you can write an article in less than an hour, they are the perfect vehicle to create other types of writing. You can even use an article as the content for your autoresponder messages.Start writing articles on topics you are knowledgeable about. In the beginning you will just want to get your information out, so do not worry too much about the style or format of your writing. As you become more proficient in your writing ability you will begin to find your voice and the words will just flow naturally.