Selecting a site for the deck location is an extremely important step in the deck building process. However, Dun-slope it is surprising that many homeowners neglect to spend much time in determining whether the site is truly the best place to construct the deck. Dun-slope There are a number of factors that need to be considered in making a determination about the final placement of this outdoor living space. A raised deck can create some privacy issues. Dun-slope A deck 3 feet or more off the ground may put a homeowner on display for the neighborhood to see. Fencing required to alleviate this situation would probably exceed height restrictions along property lines. Dun-slope The strategic placement of tall shrubs or dense trees can do something to partially solve the problem. Another solution would be to add a privacy screen or barrier along one or more sides of the deck. Make a point to consider access to other parts of the yard. Dun-slope Ground level decks offer unlimited possibilities. However, a raised deck would required careful planning. Consider providing access points to reach the garden, side yard or garage. Think about the fact that stair locations have an impact upon the placement of furniture and areas for various activities. Dun-slope Outdoor stairs need to be broader, wider and less steep that indoor stairs to take advantage of the wide open spaces and more relaxed pace of life outside. A deck can be designed for almost any slope no matter how steep it is. In some cases it may require an engineered structural system to do it. Look for suspicious soil conditions such as non-compacted fill or persistent seepage. The important thing with a deck is that the ground at deck site should slope away from the house. If not then the site must be regraded to prevent future problems from occurring. It is vital that the proposed deck location site is accessible. Materials must find their way to the job site. A backhoe, or concrete truck might need to navigate its way to the area at some point. In some cases fence panels might have to be removed from a fence with a neighbor’s permission to facilitate this. Difficult access to the building site will result in possible work slowdowns and extra expenses. Ground level decks – These structures are typically associated with single story homes and relatively flat yards. They present far fewer design and contruction challenges than raised or multilevel decks. Ground level decks can act as convenient entryways, pleasant breakfast nooks and outdoor mudrooms. Construction is not complicated. Since these decks are so low they may not necessarily require a railing system. It is wise though to check local building codes to verify this. The simplest solution is to construct a single level deck attached to the house and supported by piers and posts. With elevated decks safety concerns are an important consideration. The height of railings and space between balusters are of major importance on these higher deck structures. These deck designs are wonderful for avoiding the problems caused by rolling terrain or naturally terraced landscapes. Sections of these types of decks can be different shapes and sizes that are connected by stairs and walkways. Muiltilevel decks are ideal for providing different views of the surrounding area from various vantage points. These structures are built along more than one side of a home and can easily provide access to multiple areas of the house. Wraparound decks are a perfect solution for properties that are subject to varying amounts of intense sunlight during different parts of the day. These unique outdoor spaces also provide simple solutions for families needing areas for private gatherings, parties and other functions on the same structure. Detached decks can be built alongside or project slightly over the deck of a pool, next to a water feature or sit beneath an arbor or pergola. Container plants, shrubs and colorful flowers can be used to dramatically enhance the impact they make on any outdoor landscape.