dd some variety and freshness to the ads. And that also will help decrease ad property forum blindness.” [Google AdSense Optimization Webinar] ? “The second most active placement in terms of click-through tends to be the right-hand rail or property forum margin”. “Skyscrapers” and vertical banners do well when placed next to the content in the main body. Square and rectangle ads placed within the property forum center column also do well, provided they are placed in context to the content. Ads placed below the fold tend to perform least well, although that isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.” [Yahoo! Publisher Network: Location, location, ly of other options available to you that can be termed low budget. You need to think “outside of the box” and be a little creative.Here are a few ideas to get you started:1. Business Cards – You probably have a huge box of them…why not use them! Where ever you property forum go, who ever you talk to, what ever you mail, make sure you leave a trail with your business card. 2. Bulletin Boards – The last time I checked they were still free to use. Take advantage of this and get the word out about your Mortgage Business.3. Car Signs – Your very own moving bulletin board promoting your Mortgage Business…the cost per exposure is super low…this is truly no-brainer!4. Windshield Flyers – A low cost activity and a super producer of leads. What more can property forum you ask of an inexpensive idea?5. Door Hangers – Another low cost idea that gets results. You’re the one doing the targeting with a message that you have picked.6. School and Church Directories – There are lots of directories that offer low cost ad alternatives for your Mortgage Business. Don’t pass them by…there are some gems there.7. Say “Thank You” – Use your phone, note cards, postcards, or letters…continue to thank people that help or assist you in any way.8. Open Houses – Visit both Realtor/Agent and FSBO open houses. Prepare a flier for the property and leave a few copies. Working a few Sundays will do wonders for your business.9. property forum Banks – Visit banks and promote your loan programs. Most banks don’t offer the same programs that you do. You’ll be surprised how many referrals you can get.10. Bookmarks – Design and create a special bookmark using your logo, contact information, and mortgage specialty. Visit the “Real Estate” section and embed them into each real estate book you can find. You can target specific readers such as investors or debt consolidation prospects.11. Teach – Contact your library or community college and offer to teach a free evening class. Your subject could be “Credit,” “Mortgage 101,” or “Identity Theft” (hot topic right now).12. Realtors/Agents – If you’re having a problem establishing relationships with these folks, offer a free service to them such as: writing a mortgage article for their newsletter; providing a second mortgage opinion for their customers; creating open house fliers for them (only if you’re very good at it).13. Speaker – Give free talks to community organizations. This one of the most overlooked and yet effective ways of marketing your Mortgage Business. 14. Discount – Offer an incentive via a discount on credit reports, appraisal, or lower closing costs using an attractive certificate. property forum Don’t miss an opportunity to hand out one of these coupons.15. FSBOs – The FSBO market is a super niche market and a great lead generator. The really nice part is that it’s very inexpensive to get it going and producing. Take a close look at this one. As you market your business, closely monitor the performance of property forum your advertising. Ask new customers how they found you and then use this information to really direct your marketing.If you’re looking for that one “magic bullet,” you know…the one idea that gets your phone ringing off the hook, the applications rolling in, and fills your pipeline…I don’t think it exists.I do know that if one form of advertising is not bringing in customers for you, then you need to try something new immediately. Pick something fresh that recharges your batteries and motivates you. Find the right mix of advertising formats and ideas; add your property forum personality and knowledge to the mix and you’ll guarantee your success. Author’s Resource BoxTom Domin is the author of 101 Ways to Originate Mortgages and publisher of Toms Mortgage Tips a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter geared for Mortgage Professionals. Increase your pipeline and put your mortgage career on property forum the fast track and sign-up for FREE at http://www.MortgageMarketingToolKit.com.16 Tips For Securing Your Home Before Traveling Author : Jenny DeRaspe-Bolles property forum Submitted : 2008-08-01 00:00:00Word Count : 666Popularity: 25 Tags: security mailbox, travel checklist, mail theft, locking mailbox, home security, security Author RSS Feed Thousands of Americans escape from the area every day to explore the open road. In today’s travel planning, taking the extra steps to protect yourself and your home is an essential part of your departure are away, so make sure to cover all the basics and leave a secure home before leaving it unattended.Here are 16 Ways to Secure Your Home:1- Secure important papers and valuables. Use a personal safe or lock box, or invest in renting a security box from a local company to safeguard any essential valuables that cannot be replaced.2- Check insurance policies for home, auto, andmhttp://propertysia.my/