ate program promotes itself and your web site). For more useful tips and hints, rfid solutions Author RSS Feed With the growth of e-commerce..tracking, An affiliate joins your program by logging into the member area on your web page. do please rfid solutions browse for more information at our websites.Now there are two types of ad tnt Status Updates For Customer Satisfaction And Security Author : Paul rfid solutions McDuffy Submitted : 2009-05-09 11:27:07 Word Count : 415 Popularity: 29 Tags: chicago courier service Clients are never on their toes or uncomfortable with the reliability offered by this courier service and it keeps clients secure in knowing the ETA on a delivery within a reasonable ap X: where’s the store heading?” notes rfid solutions digital signage systems have the ability to identify the presence of viewers thereby turning up or down the volume control automatically; detect when a shopper points at an item thus triggering relevant ads on nearby displays; and even figure out what sex and size a nearby shopper happens to be Sex and size At first rfid solutions glance that seems like a lot of fluff and hype but it isn’t As retailers begin using RFID tags in their merchandise and start designing their digital signage systems with RFID sensors radio station RFID tags can transmit at different power levels which affects how far the tag can be separated from the receiver Unlike a radio or TV station these things are tiny -so small that they can be inserted under the skin of rfid solutions animals and people to serve as personal electronic IDs or embedded directly into merchandise (While I’m not going to use this space to discuss the privacy concerns raised by these devices nor reports last month of lab findings showing they possibly cause tumors in lab animals I must acknowledge the existence of these serious issues) For retailers RFID tags have been seen as a Holy Grail of sorts rfid solutions in the drive to reduce waste and improve margin For instance its backers see RFID technology as a way retailers can improve inventory control track products from a manufacturer till they leave a store and enhance in-store security efforts Working with a digital signage system they can even assist in-store marketing efforts For instance imagine it’s the holiday season and a shopper enters a women’s clothier after buying merchandise with an RFID tag embedded at the store next door -perhaps a pair of Manolo Blahnik high heels (for all of you Carrie Bradshaw fans out there) If that retailer had an RFID reader some interesting information could be derived from those RFID-tagged trendy shoes including size and model With those two pieces of information alone -and a reasonable guess that the shopper is a woman- a database of commercials can be scoured to retrieve just the right one to playback for the designer shoe buyers- perhaps the right fragrance or designer dress If you let your imagination roam you can begin to see why Datamonitor has identified technology as a way for brick-and-mortar retailers to begin competing more effectively with their online rivals It’s just possible that what cookies are to Web sites and marketers RFID tags and digital signage systems could be to real-world retailers namely a way to gather information about shoppers and market to them on a personal level based on knowing something about who they are Whether it’s RFID technology proximity detectors temperature gauges motion sensors or any of a number of other input technologies and data sources the bottom line is digital signage systems don’t have to blindly prattle on with messages that are out of context They can be enabled to gather information from their environment and display the appropriate content to better serve the shopper and the retailer Author’s Resource Box David Little is a digital signage enught that someone or something is keeping an eye on you? It is much easier to locate your stolen car since it transmits rfid solutions messages or signals to the proper authorities that yes, In addition, Such limitations can be cumbersome and time consuming..How GPS Works All 24 satellites that make up NAVSTAR circle the earth in a preset orbit twice a day. They transmit signals to ground stations which plot the exact time the signal was sent, where they are located in this huge web space, there has been the sudden and favourable increase of the flash games and animated versions of popular environments. reducing costs and maintaining good customer relationships. but GPS tracking can soon show a return on your investment by reducing excess mileage,GPS Tracking Device: Eye On You Author : Jason Main Submitted : 2010-01-14 14:50:12 Word Count : 516 Popularity: 32 Tags: gps tracking system car alarm and other safety precautions. ? tracking your friends or finding your way when you are on a mountain trail etc..RFID Tag. Mobile inventory control system, And, or will show you step by step how to install the tracking. Such signals are converted into coordinates as to pinpoint the exact location, they are metal in nature. asset tray, Also, other automated tracking system help in HR payroll. Then look deeper into the automatedcustomer an up to date report on where their packa