o solar panels work, renewable energy, Author RSS Feed Appreciating and preserving rfid solutionsthe resources of our precious planet are high on my priority list. I’ve rfid solutionsmetow until September The 1734 Point of Sale System equips your restaurant with up to six touch screen order entry stations featuring a custom messaging system that can remind employees to wash their hands and many other prompts. New security and anti-theft features, such as RFID or Pass Code login, track rfid solutionstickets to ensure your employees are being honest, as well as provide them safety from other employees. You can also display up to 10 orders per monitor to ensure for quick and efficient service everywhere in your restaurant. And by utilizing the Training Mode feature, employees can be trained on site for the very rfid solutionssmall learning curve. RC5 Package Provides More User-Friendly System By upgrading to the 1734 Point of Sale System, you will benefit from the many advantages of the RC5 package. Your employees will discover the new point of sale rfid solutionssystem to be more user-friendly and designed to improve your kitchen*s turnaround time. This package includes several innovative features including rfid solutionsgrouping together items belonging to different combos, allowing employees to clock in and out, prompting the user to select a Dine-In or To-Go option, and many more components that showcase the latest in point of sale system technology. Name Your Price on an Upgrade For a limited time, when you upgrade to the 1734 Point of Sale System, you get to name your price on your 824 Point of Sale System. This exclusive offer is available from August 1- Sept 30, 2010 and the price you name is subject to management approval and the trade-in value of your current 824 system. Act now because this is a very limited time offer. To schedule your upgrade, visit rfid solutionswww.ordermatic.com or call 1-877-475-5716 today. Author’s Resource BoxHeather Preston. Point of Sale System – Order-Matic has manufactured POS and communication equipment for over 50 years. We offer a product line that not only includes POS solutions and wired and wireless communication concepts, but menu boards for inside and outside signage. We also provide digital surveillance systems that provide 24-hour security and managerial peace of mind. Our plant consists of a graphic design and printing department that can meet a wide variety of printing 3 Things You Must Know About Internet Marketing Author : Alvin Phang Submitted : 2007-01-09 00:00:00 Word Count : 493 Popularity: 35 Tags: internet marketing stragtegy Author RSS Feed Internet marketing is not easy and that is why most businesses, especially home business, that exist on the Internet are always looking to do something that will put them ahead of the competition. Like the real-world market, the Internet is always changing either due to user habits and preferences or due to technology and policy changes. Hence, there is always the need for better, improved Internet marketing solutions. There are some common approaches to building an Internet marketing strategy that run common for many businesses. At the core, all Internet marketing is fixed on one goal and that is to increase the number of unique visitors a website receives in one day. Effective Internet marketing solutions use many ways to assure this. The first is to improve the visibility of the business on rfid solutionsmajor search engines because that is where customers begin their search. The second is to attract targeted traffic. This means it is more important to get visitors interested in your products and services rather than casual browser who just happened to come across your website. Effective Internet marketing solutions will also take into account that competitors are doing the same thing and how to get over that obstacle. Online competition will often force you to revise your business policies and pricing structure, or provide incentives to beat the competition. Effective Internet marketing solutions must always be focused on improving visibility and exposure of your business. Some techniques that can help you do this are included below. Search Engine Submission There are many specialized search engines out there, besidsoftware, time attendhttp://www.daifuku.com/sg/